I have never thought much about Salt Lamp, when I was introduced to one. After a period of time using one, you actually feel the wonderful sensation it gives off, the stale air in the room is gone.
I even feels it gave me a more comfortable sleep, the freshness of the air upon waking up feels so soothing from the days without the lamp being used. Now I have 3 pcs in my home. Living, Dining and of course the Bedroom, for the much needed comfortable sleep. Thanks Saltglow® for the trust you gave me to enjoy a better environment.
Allan Edwards
Kami telah menggunakan lampu SALTGLOW® Himalayan Salt selama sekitar 10 tahun. Lampu ini telah menjadi barang yang harus kami miliki untuk ditempatkan di semua bagian rumah kita. Kualitas tidur dan kualitas udara rumah menjadi lebih baik. Lampu-lampu tersebut juga mempercantik rumah kita dan berfungsi sebagai lampu malam yang sempurna.
Michael & Jaci
Ever since I placed Himalayan salt lamps in my children’s rooms, they have slept soundly with no disturbance. My husband’s snoring has also softened tremendously and I can manage a good night’s sleep.
When I am stressed, I sit with the salt lamp and meditate. I feel very calm and relaxed. The salt lamp is easy to maintain and there are no mechanical problems. You are perfect SaltGlow® Himalayan Salt Lamps.
Rumah saya terasa sangat istimewa dengan adanya lampu SaltGlow® Himalayan Salt. Lampu SaltGlow® telah memberi rumah saya suasana yang nyaman dan santai.
I have a SaltGlow® Himalayan Salt Lamp on my work desk. It is my de-stressor whenever my eyes are tired staring at the computer screen for long hours. I always feel calmer and can work better.